Accepting my scars, 18years later…


18 years ago I noticed something wasn’t right with my body. I was in pain and at 14 years old I just didn’t know why. Fast forward a few months, a trip to the doctors followed by an immediate referral to hospital I was wrongly diagnosed and turned away. A few months later I was unable to walk. Paralyzed from waist down in excruciating pain. My doctor was right, the hospital were wrong. I had a pilonidal sinus and it had trapped my coccyx.

Pilonidal sinus is described as

“A pilonidal sinus is small hole(s) or tunnel under the skin usually between the buttocks, overlying the tail bone often associated with an infection in its depth”

In my case, an ingrowing hair had wrapped itself around my tailbone and become infected. It was that tight it had affected my movement. My parents were told it was bad. I needed emergency surgery and there was a possibility I may struggle to walk again. 2 years I lived in hospital. I spent Christmas in hospital, birthdays, I sat my GCSEs with a writer. I verbally spoke the answers, they wrote them down for me. I was told by school I would have to resit my year 11 as I had missed so much school. (I passed my GCSEs with 3 Bs 5 Cs and a D. I didn’t need to resit the year after all). I had 4 spinal operations, fought 43 infections with 38 courses of antibiotics. I was told if I caught MRSA I wouldn’t fight it as my body had become immune to so many antibiotics they couldn’t cure me. Eventually I was sent to Wythenshawe hospital for a 5th spinal operation which involved plastic surgery. A skin graft.

I was heartbroken. The way my body now looked and how disgusting my scars were. I have never felt so much hate towards myself as I did the first time I looked in the mirror. I was 16 and felt I looked like a monster.

The day I took my first step off that hospital bed will remain with me forever. The Zimmer frame I had to use and the physiotherapy I went through to learn to walk again. The first time I played football after my recovery was just the best feeling.

I had district nurses visiting me daily once home for months and months. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror out of sheer embarrassment of what I was left with. I cried and cried.

18 years later I still struggle to look at it. I even hide it from people closest to me. I’ve never really let anyone look at it properly. Ashamed of that part of my body. However I’ve recently told my “story” to a few friends and gave them a tiny peek at the scars and their reaction has shocked me. They weren’t horrified or nasty. They were amazed at what I had actually gone through and the scars tell my story and are part of me. I think I’ve finally accepted my scars. They are me. I’ll never win a booty competition or make it as a bum model but these scars are mine. If you ever notice something different about your body. Get it checked. I guess when I look back you could say I was lucky. I didn’t feel very lucky at the time but believe me, being able to walk again was an amazing feeling.

Over the last few days this pain has returned and I’m praying that it hasn’t come back. I was told there was a chance it could.

Accepting my scars, 18years later…

One thought on “Accepting my scars, 18years later…

  1. Rachel says:

    I feel you on the scarring. I had a pilonidal cyst when I was 16 and the first time I got it my mom took me to Dr and he just said it was back spasms. It wasn’t raised at that time but the next day I woke up in excruciating pain. I couldn’t hardly walk, sir, stand, lay down. I had gotten up for school, crawled to the bathroom tried to take a shower and crawled back to my room to call my mom at work and she rushed home and took me back to the Dr and he sent me to a proctologist. He lanced it and packed it and I wouldn’t let my mom repack it. 3 months later it came back and this time I let my mom pack it. They said if it happens again I would have to have it surgically removed. So 26 years later, i ask sitting here in excruciating pain about to go to the ER. I’ve been dealing with it for over a week now. I was hoping it would open and drain on it’s own. It started to about 3 days in but it didn’t drain long. It hurt to be to push on it. My fiancee tried to pop it with a needle but it didn’t help. The scar from my first 2 that I had when I was 16 looks kinda like a keloid or blister on top of the cyst. Some ppl don’t understand when u have one of those kind of cyst that it hurts to sit, stand, lay on back. My son too be daughter in law wanted me to play on a huge slip n slide and I told her no, I can’t because of cyst. She said well we can pad it real good. I said that won’t work is not just that one spot that hurts. It travels all around my ass.


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